Monday, October 11, 2010

The Hindu : Cities / Hyderabad : US funds ‘weak’ students to master English

The Hindu : Cities / Hyderabad : US funds ‘weak’ students to master English

The Hindu : Education : Taking English to one and all

The Hindu : Education : Taking English to one and all

The Hindu : Life & Style / Metroplus : English made easy

The Hindu : Life & Style / Metroplus : English made easy

The Hindu : Opinion / Op-Ed : Language police

The Hindu : Opinion / Op-Ed : Language police

The Hindu : Education : Learn English the British Council way

The Hindu : Education : Learn English the British Council way

The Hindu : Education : Accent is not a criteria for disqualification, says TOEFL specialist

The Hindu : Education : Accent is not a criteria for disqualification, says TOEFL specialist

The Hindu : Life & Style / Metroplus : Wordly-wise?

The Hindu : Life & Style / Metroplus : Wordly-wise?

The Hindu : Life & Style / Kids : Bridging the grammar gap

The Hindu : Life & Style / Kids : Bridging the grammar gap

Monday, October 4, 2010

SOMETHING AMISS by Sowmen Mitter

Sowmen Mitter

Million cusecs must have trudged away -
Can't I fathom;
Must it have changed its course,
I guess, miles down
Or how it is, this feels so remote!

Ache that tore into my soul, would
Haunt me at sunrise till it went down
In the west, leave me asking for a solace
From the clouds....
Doesn't bother me any more!

Amazed I brood - looking at the trail
So faded, getting fainter everyday
On sands of time - if life's this,
What's there on earth, about life
That makes you feel 'something amiss'!

Flashbacks I cherish - close-ups,candid;
Some 'bare' moments, silhouettes of a curvy valley -
Distinct; shivers and squeals of desperation,
Dams out to explode, deluge -
Having somewhere left their inscription.

Lookalikes - guess you, must be pastures to graze:
Those must be the hilly bulges, where the vesuvius
Lies dormant - sensitive to agitation;
Around - this is that familiar terrain
For you,- to roam about, plunge headlong...

Then comes 'you' to you - 'something amiss'!



Sowmen Mitter

Find a way, as you would
Into a land unbound
By things so drearily mundane,

Escape if you can
Into days far-bygone
And reverie of a pensive solitude.

Cherish if you will
The pleasures that heal
Nicks and bruises you must've got.

Relish the feel, aware and awake
That some earthly mistake
May have it all torn asunder.